Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Project Change The World

If you are reading this blog you have probably received an e mail from somebody directing you here. I started this blog as a way to see if I could make a small impact in the world. After seeing a story about the kid in the blog below who started Ryan's Wells, I thought "There is more that I can do to make an impact in the world" so I started this blog as a way to inspire others. The purpose of today's blog entry is to hopefully inspire all of those that are going to visit to contribute to one of the following causes you'll see to the right. Your contribution doesn't have to be a lot every little bit will help though, but I want to see how big of an impact we can make, meaning how many people we can include in Project Change The World. So if you choose to contribute please e mail me at inspiritulife@gmail.com with the dollar amount you chose to contribute and the cause you chose to support. I thank you in advance for all your support and charity. Together we can make a difference in somebody else's life.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I will be inspired!

I wanted to start this blog as a way to share things that have inspired me as well as others. I have as of lately been thinking about a way that I could change the world for the better and make a difference with my contributions. I believe that we are here on earth and all of us are brother's and sister's that need help from one another. As I was watching T.V. last night in my hotel room I came across a television program on PBS that inspired me to do what I'm doing right now. The program was by Dr. Wayne Dyer who is well known in the self help industry, but his basic premise was, what are you doing to realize and become the person you really are in spirit. He shared story after story of things that have inspired him and I will mention one of those.

Ryan Hreljac
In 1998, when Ryan was in grade one he learned from his teacher, Mrs Prest that people were dying because they didn't have clean water to drink. He decided that raising money for people who didn't have clean water would be a good thing. He worked for four months in order to earn his first $70. Ryan’s first well was built in 1999 when Ryan was seven years-old at a school in a Ugandan village. The well continues to serve thousands of people.Ryan’s determination grew from the $70 collected by doing simple household chores to a Foundation that today has contributed a total of 329 wells in 14 countries bringing clean water and sanitation services to over 491,625 people. The Foundation has raised millions of dollars.

After hearing about little Ryan Hreljac I was inspired and I wanted to help Ryan in his cause and that is why I'm posting this hoping that somebody who sees it will be inspired too and want to pass this along to somebody else and so on and so on.


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